Troop 214
Past Meeting:
Annual Planning meeting
1. Highlights of the General Discussion (90min)
Start Meetings ON TIME - 7pm
Encourage Full Uniform wear to every meeting.
Accomplish Citizenship in Society MB
Perhaps at the roses and thorns of each event, assign 1 or 2 scouts to discuss a recap at the next meeting. Gives them time to prepare a statement and encourage participation in the next event.
Keep newsletter structure similar to what it is now.
Keep sections
Keep new updates up top.
Keep boilerplate items at the bottom for reference each week.
Better understand virtual Merit Badges and promote the good MB Counselors
Encourage scouts to take use our troop MB Counselors if available - Especially Eagle required Badges - rather than virtual or council ones.
All Eagle MB’s should be covered within the troop shortly. Parents are actively picking up MBs this summer.
Promote those in-person MB’s that SCCBSA offers.
Encourage scouts and parents to sign up for Suffolk County Council newsletter emails.
Camping & Backpacking
Campouts should enjoy some relaxed time at the campsite as well as whatever activity is also planned.
Campouts should highlight historical locations
Campouts should include specific scout skill items that will be worked on at each campout
Very important to have backpackers this year - both fell through last year.
Use local hikes to build up to the larger backpacking trips.
Have local hikes available in addition to the monthly camping event.
Utilize Patrol Method better by having a patrol take ownership of campout planning - specifically for the scout skills and advancements discussed at that campout.
Include Orienteering on trips (would be best on a backpacker)
COVID really messed up parent understanding of BSA , especially in light of virtual meetings.
We lost a lot of the youngest scouts bc of virtual meetings.
Parents need guidance to learn about the BSA ways and the upcoming activities.
Will hold a quarterly required meeting for the parents.
Will hold additional me
Sept - West Point Football & Camping - Garrity
Oct - Backpacker Camping - Harriman - Bruder
Nov - Webelos Woods @ BHSC - Morelli
Dec - NYC tripetings with parents more frequently - perhaps in the form of a parent patrol.
Need to establish a New Parent orientation contact(s)
Alpert has offered to be one of these members (he has a more senior experience in the troop)
Position of Responsibility
Every scout is responsible for keep track of their own needs on positions.
We can encourage if we see someone may be missing an important date.
Positions held cannot be passive / "in name only” positions.
i.e. - patrol leaders must actually lead patrols of more than 1-2 persons
Webmasters need to actively work on website projects - project: needs serious updating - consider a new website with drag and drop capabilities - something a scout can build and maintain.
Historians need to actually document the troop’s history - project: Glass Case at FPCoS needs updating. New Eagles added to roster. Add recent memorabilia.
Librarian needs to be a MB expert - be there to advise other scouts on how best to accomplish a badge. Project: Update library with current copies of handbooks. Be a resource more than “carrier of the books”
Quartermaster -current QMs are 2 years into position - time for new ones. Project : update patrol boxes with uniform equipment - color coded by patrol.
Bugler - needs to 1.practice taps and reveille 2. show up to meetings and camps 3. bring trumpet 4. Play.
… you get the point.
We would like to do a better job of outreach to the local packs. We only visited pack 340 this past year.
Is there a committee of regular scouts - varying ages - that we can rely on to do this regularly?
Perhaps have a pack night activity ready to go for the Cub units visited
2. Camping Calendar (60 min) -
The new Google Troop214 calendar is already provisionally updated. See calendar for dates. See description for details as they develop. They WILL be updated.
Please review the camping activities for the year. We have needs for parent volunteers to oversee management of each trip. Please see the BOLD RED activities in the list below.
Specifically, a parent that is attending Yawgoog and who has previously attended is much needed to be primary manager of this trip!
3. Meeting Activities (60 min)
Framework for the first part of the year has been provided.
Details for each meeting are listed in the description of Troop Calendar events.
Meetings will remain Tuesday that Hauppauge schools are in session. Voted NO MEETING on Valentines Day.
Troop meetings start
Annual Fees for Troop 214 can be paid by check to "Troop 214" or by credit online at the link above. Checks go to Beth Davidsen (Treasurer). Please see John Garrity's email from last week with details.
$212 ($218.36 credit) With Boy's Life
$200 ($206.00 credit) W/O Boy's Life
New BSA Members (not transfers) will also have a $25 one-time charge incurred by national.
If you have not attended Philmont or Yawgoog this past summer, then we do not have a health form on file for your scout. Please fill out ASAP if you plan on attending any events other than troop meetings. You cannot attend trips with our troop if you haven't filed this form. Only Parts A&B are needed (part C is doctor's section and is only needed for high adventure and multi-day camping.)
You must fill out and bring a hard copy to Mr. Garrity at an upcoming meetings
BSA Scouts Health Form
Advancement questions? Email (cc a parent and scoutmaster)
Merit Badge Blue Cards
Download the following PDF to your computer. For best results, open in Adobe Acrobat Reader. Save the PDF again and email it to your scoutmasters and at least 1 other adult (your parent). Directions for completing a blue card can be found HERE on our troop website.
MB Blue Card - Fillable PDF
Eagle Projects
Eagle Prospects
Eagle Coach Dave Hubbard is available by phone/ email / zoom. or 516-313-7617.
Active & Upcoming Projects (*denotes "upcoming")
Tommy Morelli - Lost & Found / Book Swap @ Sweetbriar
Shaye Ventura - Expansion of 9/11 memorial @ St Anthony's HS
Jack Garrity - Horse Feed Stations #2 @ Pal-o-mine
Peter Graham - Refurb fence enclosure @ Sweetbriar
Peter Bruder - Bird blind @ Sweetbriar
Sudarshan Padmanaban - Irrigation System @ Sweetbriar
Troop 214 Contacts & Web
Brian Morelli -
ASMs - Assistant Scoutmasters
Eagle Coach - Dave Hubbard -
Committee Chair - John Garrity -
Charter Rep & Treasurer - Beth Davidsen -
Advancements Chair - Kristine Byrne -
Fundraising Chair -
Troop 214 Online
TroopMaster Calendar Link:
Troop214 Store:
Facebook Group: Boy Scout Troop 214 of Hauppauge
District & Council Online
BT District:
Facebook Group: SCCBSA Benjamin Tallmadge District
Suffolk County Council BSA:
Facebook Group: @SCCBoyScouts